Monitoring domain exit XMNOUT
XMNOUT is invoked before an exception class monitoring record is passed to SMF,
and before a performance class monitoring record is written to the performance
record buffer. You can use this exit to examine the record, to suppress its output to
SMF, or to change the data it contains. You must be ensure that any changes you
make do not conflict with the dictionary description of the data.
You can also add data to performance class data records. To do this you need to
define dummy user event-monitoring points (EMPs) in the monitoring control table
(MCT) to reserve data fields of the required size and type.
When invoked
Before an exception class monitoring record is written to SMF, and before a
performance class monitoring record is buffered for a later write to SMF.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of the 4-byte transaction ID. This field is not available at
task termination.
Address of the 8-byte user ID. This field is not available at task
Address of the 4-byte terminal ID. This field is not available at task
Address of the 8-byte application program name. This field is not
available at task termination.
Address of the dictionary. The sequence of dictionary entries is
mapped by the DSECT generated from the macro DFHMCTDR.
This field only has meaning for performance class records. If the
monitoring record type is exception class (see parameter
UEPMRTYP), this field is set to 0.
Address of the fullword number of dictionary entries. This field only
has meaning for performance class records. If the monitoring record
type is exception class (see parameter UEPMRTYP), this field is set
to 0.
Address of the field connector list, containing a series of halfword
connector values. This field only has meaning for performance class
records. If the monitoring record type is exception class (see
parameter UEPMRTYP), this field is set to 0.
Address of the fullword number of field connectors. This field only
has meaning for performance class records. If the monitoring record
type is exception class (see parameter UEPMRTYP), this field is set
to 0.
monitoring domain exit
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide