Retrieve status information for a named generic applid from the CAVM data
Close communication with DFHWOS.
The macros are described in detail in the following sections. For all the DFHWOSM
macros, the following rules apply:
v The “label” field is optional.
v If the macro has an input parameter list, the address of that parameter list must
be supplied as the value of the PARM operand. The address itself may be
specified as a register number or as a label. Register 1 is the default value.
v If the macro has to supply either a BUILD TOKEN or an OPEN TOKEN to
DFHWOS (as described in “The DFHWOSM tokens”), the token must be
provided in the register specified in the TOKEN operand. Register 14 is the
default value.
The DFHWOSM tokens
When DFHWOS first invokes the overseer program, it passes a value in register 1
which is known as the ENTRY token. The ENTRY token value is stored by the
overseer program on entry and is passed back to DFHWOS as input to the BUILD,
OSCMD, JJS, and JJC macros.
The DFHWOSM FUNC=BUILD macro must be the first macro issued by the
overseer program and must complete successfully. The register 1 output from this
macro is a second token called the BUILD token. The BUILD token value is stored
by the overseer program and passed back to DFHWOS as input to the OPEN,
CLOSE, READ, QJJS, and TERM macros.
The DFHWOSM FUNC=BUILD macro must be issued by the overseer program to
initialize its communication with DFHWOS. No other macro can be issued by the
overseer program until DFHWOS FUNC=BUILD has completed successfully.
The TOKEN value is the ENTRY token that was passed to the sample overseer
program when it was first invoked by DFHWOS.
Register 1
Contains the BUILD token value, which must be returned as an input
value by the overseer program on certain subsequent requests. This
value is returned to register 1 only if register 15 has a return code of ‘0’.
[,TOKEN={token register|14}]
DFHWOSM macros
Chapter 22. The extended recovery facility overseer program 615