Terminal allocation program exit XALCAID
XALCAID is driven when an AID with data is canceled in one of the following ways:
v By means of the CEMT transaction
v During execution of a SET TERMINAL or SET CONNECTION command
v During reinstallation of a terminal or connection.
XALCAID is invoked only if there is data associated with the AID.
When invoked
Whenever an AID with data is canceled.
Note: It is not possible for the exit to prevent the request from being
Exit-specific parameters
Address of a 4-byte field containing the symbolic identifier of the
transaction which was to be started by this request.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the identifier of the terminal or
connection to which this request was directed.
Address of an area of storage containing the data specified in the
FROM option; or hexadecimal zeros, if the AID was created by a
START request without a FROM option.
Address of a fullword binary field containing the length of the FROM
data; or hexadecimal zeros, if the FROM option was not specified.
Address of an 8-byte field containing the value of the REQID
associated with the FROM data. The data was stored in a
temporary storage queue with this name. This value was either
specified explicitly using the REQID option on the START
command, or created internally by CICS.
Address of an 8-byte field containing the value specified in the
QUEUE option on the START command, or hexadecimal zeros if
QUEUE was not specified.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the value specified in the
RTERMID option on the START command, or hexadecimal zeros if
RTERMID was not specified.
Address of a 4-byte field containing the value specified in the
RTRANSID option on the START command, or hexadecimal zeros if
RTRANSID was not specified.
Address of a 1-byte field containing the value X'FF' if the data
terminal allocation program exit
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 203