Help feature
The program includes a limited “help” feature, driven by the program’s keyword
In response to “?”, the verb keywords are displayed. In response to “verb?”, all the
operand keywords of that verb are displayed. For “verb operand(?)” a short
description of the value expected for that operand is displayed. When a command
containing “?” is entered, no DYNALLOC SVC is issued. “?” is recognized only in
the positions specified above; the rest of the command is ignored.
Values are classified as follows:
Keyword value
Keyword values must be specified for some keywords. For example, the
STATUS keyword may have a keyword value of SHR, NEW, MOD, or OLD
(which can be abbreviated).
String of key letters
The value can be a string of letters in any order. The program does not check
that the combination of letters provided is meaningful. For example, for the
RECFM keyword, the value can be a string of letters from A, B, D, F, G, M, R,
S, T, U, and V.
Returned values
No value should be provided by the terminal operator, because this keyword
requests a value to be returned by the DYNALLOC information retrieval
features. The further description refers to the kind of value that will be returned.
This is usually in the form in which the operator would enter it, although in a
few cases the value is as a hexadecimal string.
Not allowed
Some keywords do not require a value, and you must not provide one.
A value must be provided if the keyword coded is designated as requiring a
Specification of a value is optional for some keywords.
Only one value may be provided for some keywords.
For some keywords, more than one value is permitted. (In some cases,
DYNALLOC requires more than one value, although the dynamic allocation
sample program does not enforce this.)
Character string
Any characters are permitted in this type of value, although in most cases there
will be additional rules to follow, for example, for the DSNAME keyword.
Numeric string
Only numeric characters are allowed for this type of value, for example, for the
EXPDT keyword.
help feature
Chapter 27. The dynamic allocation sample program 715