DFHTEPT–generating the sample DFHTEP tables
The following macros are required to generate the terminal error program tables:
v DFHTEPT TYPE=INITIAL—to establish the control section.
v DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMTID—to define permanently reserved terminal error
blocks (TEBs) for specific terminals.
v DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMCODE|ERRCODE—to define permanently reserved error
status elements (ESEs).
v DFHTEPT TYPE=BUCKET—to define specific error conditions to be accounted
for in the common error bucket.
v DFHTEPT TYPE=FINAL—to end the set of DFHTEPT macros.
DFHTEPT TYPE=INITIAL–establishing the control section
The DFHTEPT TYPE=INITIAL macro necessary to establish the control section for
the TEP tables is:
establishes the beginning of the generation of the TEP tables.
specifies the total number of permanent and reusable terminal error blocks to
be generated in the TEP error table. Permanent entries are defined by the
DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMTID macro described later in this section. Any entries
not defined as permanent are reused when the terminal is taken out of service,
or are deleted at the request of an error processor. If an error occurs, and no
TEB space is available, the error is not processed, and DFHTACP default
actions are taken. The minimum number of blocks is 1. A maximum number is
not checked for but should be no greater than the number of terminals in your
specifies the number of errors to be recorded for each terminal. This value
determines the number of permanent and reusable error status elements in
each TEB. The maximum number that can be specified is 25 (the default
value). If more are requested, only the maximum are generated. If fewer are
requested, one extra ESE is generated for each TEB. The extra ESE is the
common error bucket. Permanently reserved ESEs are defined by the
DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMCODE macro described later in this section. Any ESEs
not defined as permanent are dynamically assigned on the first occurrence of a
nonpermanent error type associated with the terminal. By defining a number
less than the maximum, and allowing the sample DFHTEP to assign ESEs
dynamically, you can minimize the size of the table and still control and account
for the error types relevant to the network. The minimum number that can be
specified is zero. In this case only a common error bucket is generated.
specifies whether time threshold space is to be reserved in support of the TIME
option specified in the DFHTEPM TYPE=INITIAL macro. The default is
Time threshold space is reserved.
the sample terminal error program
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide