
The right currency symbol is always in a fixed position.
Print zero value in Query for iSeries reports
When this field contains a numeric value of zero, type a Y or N to indicate whether it is to show a zero or it
is to be left blank.
A numeric value of 0, when it occurs, is to be shown.
A numeric value of 0 is to be shown as all blanks; no 0 is to be shown in this field.
Replace leading zeros in Query for iSeries reports
When this field contains leading zeros, type a Y or N to indicate whether they are to be replaced by
different characters or not. Leading zeros are those zeros that appear to the immediate left of the first
significant digit (1 through 9) in the numeric value, or to the immediate left of the decimal point if the
numeric value is less than 1. For example, there are four leading zeros in the eight-digit field 000027.03,
and there are six in the eight-digit field 000000.03.
Leading zeros are to be replaced by other characters (blanks or asterisks) or by a floating currency
All leading zeros are to be shown. (If the Replace leading zeros and Replace with prompts contain
values, they will be saved in this query but not used.)
Replace with option in Query for iSeries reports
If you typed a Y for the Replace leading zeros prompt, type the option number of the character or symbol
that you want used to replace any leading zeros in the values for this field.
Blank spaces are to be used to replace leading zeros ( 27.03 and .03).
Asterisks (*) are to be used to replace leading zeros (****27.03 and ******.03).
3=Floating currency symbol
The currency symbol is to be used to replace leading zeros. The symbol floats so that it appears to
the immediate left of the first significant digit in the numeric value (for example, $27.03 and $.03).
Single leading zero in Query for iSeries reports
When the numeric value in this field is less than 1, type a Y or N to indicate whether a single leading zero
is to be shown to the left of the decimal point. This prompt value is used only if a Y is specified for the
Replace leading zeros prompt.
A single leading zero is to be placed to the left of the decimal point when the value is less than 1,
assuming that the length is greater than the number of decimal positions (for example, 0.03 for a
result of 3/100).
No zero is to appear to the left of the decimal point when the value is less than 1 (for example, .03 for
a result of 3/100).
Describing date/time field editing display in Query for iSeries reports
If you have selected numeric fields for your query that contain date or time values, Query provides an
easy way to specify or change the separator character that is used in the editing process.
Chapter 10. Specifying report column formatting in Query for iSeries 127