
The Describe Date/Time Field Editing display allows you to specify the type of separator character that
you want used for a numeric field that contains a date or time value. The editing value determines how the
values for the date or time field are to appear in your query report (if you use option 2 as the edit option
for this field).
Describe Date/Time Field Editing
Type choice, press Enter.
Date/time separator..... _ 1=. 2=/ 3=: 4=- 5=,
F3=Exit F5=Report F10=Process/previous F12=Cancel
F13=Layout F16=Remove edit F18=Files
When you first see this display, the edit value shown is the value previously saved in your query, is the
value from the field definition in the file description, or is the system-supplied default.
You can either change the edit value shown or you can blank it out. If you blank out the value, the
system-supplied default separator value (stored in the QDATSEP system value) is to be used, and it is
shown if you return to this display. To use this date/time edit value to edit the field, edit option 2 must be
specified on the Define Numeric Field Editing display.
Any number less than six digits long loses one date/time position on the left for each digit that it is short
(zero values become blanks). If the leading digit on the left is zero, it is replaced with a blank (for example,
if your date/time separator is a slash, the value 000829 becomes 0/08/29). To show dates without having
the leading zero truncated, use the edit word option with a leading zero or asterisk.
Only the last six digits of a numeric field are displayed when you use date/time editing (for example, if your
date/time separator is a slash, the value. 19631001 becomes 63/10/01). To display a four digit year, use
the edit word option.
Date/time separator in Query for iSeries reports
Type the option number of the character that you want used as the date or time separator in this field. The
option numbers and characters are shown below, along with examples of the edited results for a value of
Option Example Meaning of Option
1= . 10.08.63 Separator is a period
2= / 10/08/63 Separator is a slash
3= : 10:08:63 Separator is a colon
4= - 10-08-63 Separator is a hyphen
5= , 10,08,63 Separator is a comma
To remove all the query-defined editing values for this numeric field (for this edit option and all others),
press F16 (Remove edit).
128 Query for iSeries Use V5R2