Chapter 2. General operating information for Query for iSeries
This chapter describes the general operating information for Query, such as getting started with Query,
using prompts and lists, how you can check your query definition before it is finished, how to use the
function keys, and error recovery procedures.
Practicing with Query for iSeries
Appendix B, “Practice exercise for Query for iSeries query”, provides practice examples that you can do in
order to quickly become familiar with Query.
Getting started with Query for iSeries
You can access Query in a variety of ways. To use Query, you can do any of the following:
v Use the Work With Query (WRKQRY) command by typing WRKQRY and pressing the Enter key. This
causes the Work with Queries display to appear.
v Use the Start Query (STRQRY) command by typing STRQRY and pressing the Enter key. This causes the
Query menu to appear. Typing GO QUERY and pressing the Enter key has the same effect.
From the Query menu, you can choose to work with queries, run a query, delete a query, work with files,
or do an office-related task.
From the Work with Queries display you can:
v Create, change, copy, delete, display, print, or run a query if you came from the Query menu or the
WRKQRY command.
v Create, change, copy, delete, or display a query definition.
v Create, change, copy, delete, or display a query definition.
When you are finished working with Query for iSeries
When you are finished working with Query, you can exit from the Work with Queries display by pressing
either F3 (Exit) or F12 (Cancel).
Telling Query for iSeries what you want
When you work with a query, Query shows you a series of displays that ask (or prompt) you for:
v What information you want Query to get from a file or files
v Whether you want the information printed or displayed as a report or output as data in another file
v How you want the report to look
Query gathers all of this information from what you enter on the displays.
Using prompts and default values in Query for iSeries
Prompts are the system’s way of asking you what it needs to know in order to fulfill your request. You
need only “fill in the blank.” Often, the prompt even lists the possible correct choices, so you only need to
type the choice that fits what you are doing. If you are not sure what information you are supposed to
supply at a prompt, you can move the cursor to the prompt and press the Help key.
Also, when a display appears, some of the prompts are already filled in. These values are called default
values—they are the values assumed by the system if you do not specify anything yourself. You can leave
a default value the way it is, or if you want, you can change it to another value by moving the cursor to the
prompt and typing over the default value.
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