
Table 10. How CCSIDs Affect Displaying a Query
Constants Processed as Marked
with CCSID
37 37 37
65535 37 37
37 65535 65535
65535 No tag 65535
37 No tag 65535
Changing a Query for iSeries query
You can change the query definition if the process (job) CCSID and the query definition CCSID match, if
either is marked with a CCSID of 65535 (do not convert), or if the query definition is not marked.
Table 11 shows when a query can be changed and how the constants are treated.
Table 11. How CCSIDs Affect Changing a Query
Constants Processed as Marked
with CCSID
37 37 37
65535 37 37
37 65535 37
65535 No tag 65535
37 No tag 37
37 500 Cannot change
Getting a list of objects with text in Query for iSeries
No conversion is done when query gets text descriptions for queries, translation tables, files, or libraries
because these text descriptions cannot be marked with a CCSID.
If the descriptive text is not displayed in a list display, press F11.
Defining a Query for iSeries query
You may see CCSID related diagnostic messages in a definition you are either creating, changing, or
displaying. See CCSIDs and Query for iSeries query definition itemson page 252 for more information.
Defining a collating sequence in Query for iSeries
If a collating sequence CCSID does not match your job CCSID and neither CCSID is 65535, the collating
sequence CCSID is converted to your job CCSID before the Define Collating Sequence display is
initialized. If a translation table cannot be converted, it is not used, regardless of the choice in the Ignore
character substitution prompt.
If you are creating or changing a collating sequence and select option 3 on the Select Collating Sequence
display, Query for iSeries assumes that you are starting work on a new sequence. Query for iSeries looks
at the following list and selects the first existing sequence that either requires no conversion or can be
converted (without character substitution) to your job CCSID.
v The previously defined sequence for this query
v The user-defined default sequence from the query-users profile
v The language sequence for your system
v The hexadecimal sequence
250 Query for iSeries Use V5R2