
query definition (continued)
DLTQRY command 11, 178
Query for iSeries Utilities menu 11
Work with Queries display 178
displaying 179
exiting 167
information printed 181
migrating restriction 197
naming 27
naming restrictions
multilingual environment 27
printing 180
Query for iSeries menu
deleting from 11
renaming 178
running 8
saving 167
selecting files 33
selecting from list 10
selecting options 29
specifying authority 168
Query for iSeries
command 11
definition 3
differences from Query/36 195
error 18
exiting 7, 167
how a collating sequence affects 112
description 3
language sequences 249
getting to 7
using 11
message 18
multiple query tasks 13
profile 18
starting 7, 11
choosing 13
description 5
illustration 6
tips and techniques 231
working with 11
query processing 231
RANGE (range) comparison test 95, 96
definition 3
determining order for query 105
matched 238
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 251
connecting example 101
default 91
test 94, 95
selection test
adding 103
connecting with AND and OR 101
record (continued)
selection test (continued)
DBCS NLIKE (not like) 99
EQ (equal) 95, 96
GE (greater than or equal) 95, 96
GT (greater than) 95, 96
IS (is) 95
ISNOT (is not) 95
LE (less than or equal) 95, 96
LIKE (like) 95, 98
LIST (list) 95, 97
LT (less than) 95, 96
NE (not equal) 95, 96
NLIKE (not like) 95, 98
NLIST (not list) 95
RANGE (range) 95, 96
removing 103
unmatched 239, 241
record format 187
definition 3
printing example 182
selecting for file selection
Select Record Format display 40
Specify File Selections display 35
record selection
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 253
record selection test
definition 231
OR condition 236
performance recommendations 235
related printed information 259
relational database file 5
record selection test (comparison) 103
result field 86
renaming query definition 178
case sensitivity 142
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 253
defining 139
definition 139
differences between Query/36 and Query for
iSeries 196
example of defining 140
fields other than sort fields 188
formatting 143
levels 139
text 144
column formatting
heading 119
length and decimal position for field 120
spacing 119
field 54
omitting 121
missing 54
database file 145, 154
display 145
printer 145, 148
Index 275