A-61408 September 1995 3-1
3 Operating the Scanner
This section describes the scanning process, application modes,
image level settings and function key operation. Function Codes
and their descriptions are also listed.
Scanning Process
To scan documents, follow the steps below:
1. Prepare the scanner for operation (refer to Section 2).
2. Select the application mode.
3. Select the appropriate operating values and conditions
required for the application on the host computer.
4. Press the Run key.
5. Feed the documents into the transport.
The scanner assigns a sequential ID number, document
image level, and image address to the electronic image.
As the document is scanned, the sequential ID number,
document image level, and the image address become part
of the image header file associated with the electronic image;
this information is transferred to the host computer.
NOTE: When a duplex-defined application mode is used, each
document has a front and rear image, each having
independent image headers. These image headers are
stored in the front and rear image buffers, respectively.
The host computer initiates a transfer of the image header
and electronic image information to a magnetic or optical
disk media for fast and easy retrieval of the documents.
When finished scanning, the documents are deposited in
the Exit Hopper face down in the same order in which
they were fed.
6. Press Stop to disable the transport system after the last
document has been scanned or press End to alert the host
computer the batch or job has ended and to disable the
transport system after scanning the last document.
NOTE: If Stop or End is pressed while scanning a stack of
documents, the feeder will stop, but documents in the
transport system will be scanned and deposited face
down in the exit tray before the transport system is