A-61408 September 1995 4-5
Error Code Description Action
E136 Bar Code
Hardware Error
Tried to use a Bar Code Reader
function code (60-65) after the
following two events occurred:
• The message E208 Bar Code
Hardware Error or E640-645
Bar Code Health Check Err was
displayed at power on, and
• The C key was used to clear
the message (but the error
status was not cleared.
Press C to clear the error condition.
E137 Footswitch
Not Machine Set
Tried to use footswitch function
code but the footswitch accessory
is not enabled.
Press C to clear the error condition. If
the footswitch accessory is desired,
service must be called to change the
mode configuration.
E138 Accessory
Off Via Fnc Code
Tried to use an accessory that is
enabled for the current application
mode during mode configuration,
but the accessory is presently
disabled via a function code.
After pressing C, press F and enter
the function code that enables the
desired accessory.
E139 ConfirmTone
Not Mach Enabled
Tried to use a Confirmation Tone
function code (F53, F63, F75) but
Confirmation Tone is not enabled.
Press C to clear error condition. If
Confirmation Tone is required, contact
your system administrator.
E150 Buffer Data
Transfer To Host
Tried to change function codes
via function code F02. This
function cannot be performed
because scanned images still
remain in the image buffer.
After pressing C enter F02 again. If all
images have not been read by the
host, the error message will be
displayed again. If this cycle
continues, contact your system
E151 Buffer Data
Transfer To Host
Tried to use the bar code test via
function code F65. This function
cannot be performed because
scanned images still remain in the
image buffer.
After pressing C enter F65 again. If all
images have not been read by the
host, the error message will be
displayed again. If this cycle
continues, contact your system
E152 Scanning
Try Again
Tried to enter a function code
while scanning.
Press the STOP/END key to stop
E204 Re-Scan
Skew Monitor Err
Tried to scan a document that is
skewed greater than the
maximum skew angle which has
been set for the current
application mode and less than 30
Note the document that was skewed
and press C to clear the message.
E205 IA Overflow
Press Next Key
One of the three image address
fields has been overflowed. For
example, if the level 1 field is set
to two digits, up to 99 level 1
documents may be scanned, the
100th document will cause an
After pressing C, press the Next key
or one of the three Level keys to
change the image address or image
level so the corresponding field does
not overflow.
E207 Printer
Hardware Error
At power on, a hardware error has
been detected in the Document
Printer. The E236 Turn Off
Accessory message is also
Press C to clear the error condition
and contact System Administrator to
disable printer.
E208 Bar Code
Hardware Error
At power on, a hardware error has
been detected in the Bar Code
Reader. The E236 Turn Off
Accessory message is also
Press C to clear the error condition
and contact System Administrator to
disable printer.