A-61408 September 1995 5-5
NOTE: Observe through the Upper Access Door and Side Access
Door to ensure that the Imaging Guide is mounted cor-
rectly; the bottom of the Front Imaging Guide must be
seated just inside the vertical plate. If the bottom of the
Front Imaging Guide is seated outside the vertical plate,
the Imaging Guides could be damaged when the Vertical
Transport Plate is closed.
Front Imaging
Guide Saddle Mount
Transport Plate
13. Swing the Vertical Transport Plate closed and rotate the
release handle 180° counterclockwise (so the red arrow
aligns with the red rectangle) to latch the plate.
Red Arrow
Red Rectangle
14. Close the Side Access Door.
15. Release and lower the Horizontal Transport Plate back into its
original position.
16. Lower the release bar and latch the Front Scan Module into
its original position.
17. Close the Lower Access Door.
18. Close the Upper Access Door.