A-61408 September 1995 C-19
This display gives the first 15 characters (including the *
representing the start character) of the decoded values.
Press the Stop key, wait approximately 2 seconds, then press
the Enter key to proceed to the next page of the decoded
values. The format of the display is the same until the remain-
ing number of characters becomes equal to or less than 15.
B C T Y P E = C O D E 3 9
This display gives the final page of the decoded values. In
order to return to the first page of the decoded values, press
the Enter key. This will allow you to circle through the data.
NOTE: For multiple bar codes on a single document, the
asterisk (*) denotes the start of each bar code data,
but the asterisk can also be displayed within the data
if for some reason a character cannot be read.
2. Upon completion of the test, press the Stop or End key to
return to the menu page of Function 65. Press the Stop key
one more time to return to normal operation.
Bar Code Test Option 3–Read Rate
This option provides the read rate (percentage of bar codes
properly read).
1. Feed 100 test documents into the transport system. Until the
number of the fed documents is equal to 100, the following
message will appear on the Status Display, where XXX is the
present number of documents fed:
B C T Y P E = C O D E 3 9
D o c C o u n t = X X X
2. When 100 documents have been fed or when the Stop key
has been pressed, the following message will appear in the
Status Display, where "@ YYY" denotes the number of
documents that have been fed:
B C T Y P E = C O D E 3 9
R a t e = X X X % (@ Y Y Y)
The percentage indicates the read rate of the documents just
When using Kodak Bar Code Standard Test Documents
which are provided by Parts Services, if the read rate is
significantly lower than that in the past, this indicates that any
reduction in the overall read rate can be caused by a defi-
ciency in the equipment. Perform required maintenance and
rerun the test. If the results of the second test are similar to
the first, contact service.