C-2 A-61408 September 1995
Printing Bar Codes
on Documents
Bar codes can be printed directly on documents or placed on
documents using preprinted bar code labels.
Bar codes must appear with the bars perpendicular to the leading
edge of the document during scanning (as shown).
Leading Edge
(fed into the transport first)
Trailing Edge
In addition, the following must be true:
• The bar code must be at least 0.25 inches (6.3 mm) from the
leading edge of the document.
• The bar code must be at least 0.25 inches (6.3 mm) from the
trailing edge of the document.
• There must be at least 0.25 inches (6.3 mm) of blank space
preceding the start character and following the stop character.
• The bar code can not exceed 11 inches (275 mm) in length.
• The bar code height must be at least 0.38 inches (9.5 mm) or
25% of the bar code length, whichever is greater.
More detailed specifications are provided in the
Bar Code Specifi-
section, as well as in the document entitled
Bar Code
Made Easy
NOTE: Significant reductions in bar code read rates can be
expected if these specifications are not adhered to