9/98 MPF-19
P rocess: E C N - 2
Use: KODAK VISION 320T Color Negative Film
5 2 77/7277 lets you create a very diff e rent look
s o f t e r,
m o re pastel. This film has very wide exposure latitude that
allows you to pick up the detail in the shadows without
losing the highlights. Overexpose it a bit and maintain the
shadow detail, but the blacks get blacker. Underexpose it,
and the shadows open up. This film features fine grain,
high sharpness, and wide color re p roduction.
General Properties: KODAK VISION 320T Color
Negative Film 5277/7277 is a 320-speed film balanced
for tungsten light. You’ll get clean, white highlights,
accurate flesh-tone re p roduction, but with softer colors.
It cuts seamlessly with other Kodak color negative motion
p i c t u r e films. VISION Film sets new standards for consis-
t e n cy
emulsion to emulsion, roll to roll, batch to batch.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n
L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16
F o o t c a n d l e s 8 1 6 3 2 6 4 1 2 5 2 5 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject
includes only pastels, use at least
⁄2 stop less exposure ;
dark colors re q u i re
⁄2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus-
fill-light to fill light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1.
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 320 (26): You do not
need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust-
ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second.
If your exposure is in the 10-second range, increase your
e x p o s u r e
⁄3 stop and use a KODAK WRAT T E N
F i l t er/Color Compensating 10Y.
Handling: Total darkness
Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion ImagingP r i c e
C a t a l o g , or contact a Kodak sales representative.
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an
i n t e r nal product-code symbol.
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