
10 9/00
theatrical presentation and to keep all pertinent action
within this area. The cinematographer must make certain
no scene rigging, microphone booms, cables or lights are
included in the expanded area which will be transmitted
on television at 1.33:1. Subsequent interpositives, dupli-
cate negatives and prints contain sufficient frame height
to provide normal telecine transmission. In the theater, the
p rojectionist must use a 1.85:1 aperture plate and exer-
cise some judgment in adjusting the projector framing.
Super 16 is a format that employs single-perforation
16 mm film stock and has two objectives. When Super 16
was introduced in the early 1970’s, it was to provide an
image suitable for enlargement to a 35 mm print for wide-
s c reen presentation. The second is for origination that will
be displayed on wide-screen television (1.7 8:1=16 x 9 ) .
Super 16 and 3-perforation 35 mm are great fits for wide-
s c reen television. The Super 16 camera aperture extends
into the area used for a sound track on conventional
16 mm film providing more negative area to achieve a
1. 6 6:1 aspect ratio, with some loss of image height when
e n l a rged to wide-screen 35 mm film (1. 8 5:1) and to 1.7 8:1
(16x9) for wide-screen television.
The Super 35, 4-perforation system utilizes the entire
width of the film and is used primarily to extract an
anamorphic print for theatrical release by optical re d u c-
tion printing. This system is quite versatile: from a Super
35 negative, 70 mm blow-up prints can be produced, as
well as extractions for 16 x 9 (1.7 8:1 ) .
The Super 35, 3-perforation system is used for
extracting 16 x 9 (1.7 8:1) prints and for origination for
w i d e - s c reen television.
The 65 mm, 5-perforation system has a camera aper-
t u re of 2.29:1. It is used primarily for special effects, but
when used in feature films, is projected on the scre e n
using 70 mm release prints having an aspect ratio of
2.20:1. In lieu of originating on 65 mm for theatrical
p r esentation, productions shot on 35 mm film with an
anamorphic lens or in the Super 35 system are optically
e n l a rged onto 70 mm release prints.
Other formats employing 65 mm negatives include
8 - p e rforation (Iwerks 870), 10 - p e rforation and the Imax
15 - p e rforation (horizontal) format.
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