9/00 MPF-27
P rocess: E-6, cine machine
Use: KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal
Film / 5285 is a 100-speed, high-color reversal motion
p i c t u r e camera film intended for photography under
daylight illumination (5500 K).
General Properties: KODAK E K TA C H R O M E 1 0 0 D
Color Reversal Film / 5285 offers strikingly saturated
color perf o rmance while maintaining a neutral gray scale
and accurate flesh re p roduction. It has exceptional sharp-
ness that is unsurpassed by any other 100-speed reversal
technology, and its grain perf o rmance is excellent.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Daylight
(24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11
F o o t c a n d l e s 2 5 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 1 6 0 0
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 100 (21): You do not
need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust-
ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second.
Handling: Total darkness
Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion ImagingP r i c e
C a t a l o g , or contact a Kodak sales representative in your
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an
i n t e r nal product-code symbol.
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