Eastman Kodak Company
815 West Van Buren, Suite 320 Phone: 312-492-1421
Chicago, Illinois 60607 USA FAX: 312-492-1429
11337 Indian Trail Phone: 972-481-1150
Dallas, Texas 75229 USA FAX: 972-481-1242
6700 Santa Monica Boulevard Phone: 323-464-6131
Los Angeles, California FAX: 323-468-1568
90038-1203 USA 323-468-2124
360 West 31st Street
New York, New York Phone: 212-631-3450
10001-2727 USA FAX: 212-631-3470
Phone: 56 2 530 8295
FAX: 56 9 220 5609
Kodak Venezuela, S.A.
Avenida Francisco Solano,
entre Apamates y Negrin
Centro Empresarial Sabana Grande
Piso 14, Ofc. 3 y 4 Phone: 58 2 707 1081
Caracas, Venezuela FAX: 58 2 707 1009
You can also find updated addresses and phone/fax
numbers on the Professional Motion Imaging website:
w w w . k o d a k . c o m / g o / m o t i o n.
Limitations of Liability on
Sensitized Goods
The sale, use, processing and handling of Kodak sensi-
tized goods are subject to the applicable limitation of
liability listed below:
F i l m
Kodak films will be replaced if defective in manufacture ,
labeling or packaging, or if damaged or lost by us or any
subsidiary company. Except for such replacement, the
sale, or other handling of these films is without warrant or
liability, even though defect, damage, or loss is caused by
negligence or other fault. Since color dyes may in time
change, color films will not be replaced for, or otherwise
warranted against, any change in color.
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