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This pocket-sized publication provides up-to-date and easy-
to-use information about all K O D A K Motion Picture
Camera Films and several important related subjects. We
designed the book to help you choose and order the right
films for your needs, and to help you use the films most
e ffectively. The guide is divided into five major sections for
easy re f e re n c e :
Motion Picture Camera Films
Filter Inform a t i o n
Tips and Te c h n i q u e s
F o rmats and Packaging
O rdering Raw Stock
Brief but comprehensive descriptions of each black-and-
white and color camera film appear in the section
“KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films.” The section
“Filter Information” contains charts for color conversion,
neutral density, color balancing, filter factors, and color
t e m p e r a t u re. The section “Tips and Techniques” covers
film storage and care, shooting for television, must items
for your on-location ditty bag, survival tools, flashing tech-
niques, force processing, a filmmaker’s flowchart, and
m o re. The section “Formats and Packaging” clears up
any questions you might have concerning “spec” numbers,
“iden” numbers, film can label terms and numbers, and
packaging information. The last section, “Ordering Raw
S t o c k,” tells you how to order film and lists names,
a d d resses, and telephone numbers of Kodak people world-
wide who can answer all of your questions about film and
film ord e r s .
This edition includes the new KODAK VISION C o l o r
Negative Films, the highest quality camera films available
f r om Kodak. KODAK VISION Films, which offer superior
technology for image capture, intercut seamlessly with
E A S T M A N EXR Color Negative Films, which are also
available. These films are based on emulsion chemistry
that uses KODAK T- G R A I N
Emulsions and advanced
dye-coupler technology. This gives the films incre a s e d
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