1. DriveList ............................................... [S, C, U]
Selects the drive. For details on the drive, refer to
“Drive” (→p.103).
2. WavFileList. ......................................................
Selects the WAV file.
Press the [YES/OK] key to confirm your selection. If
you press the [NO/CANCEL] key, your selection will be
In the WavFileList screen, the folder is indicated as
[(folder name)].
To view the contents of a folder
Select [(folder name)] and press the [YES/OK] key.
To return
Select “←” and press the [YES/OK] key.
Pressing the [YES/OK] key will confirm your selection,
and pressing the [NO/CANCEL] key will cancel your
2a. Delete.........................................................
You can delete a WAV file or folder from the USB drive.
Select the WAV file or folder that you want to delete,
and press the “Delete” button to delete it.
2b. Prvw ..........................................................
You can preview (audition) the first two seconds of the
selected WAV file.
If you select a WAV file of an unsupported format, the
following error message will appear.
SAMPLE RATE NOT 44.1k: This will
appear if the WAV file has a sampling rate other than
44.1 kHz.
SAMPLE BIT NOT FIT: This will appear if
the WAV file has a bit depth of other than 8-bit, 16-bit, or
ILLEGAL WAV DATA: This will appear if
the WAV file is unsupported for a reason other than the
3. DestTrack..................[1...12, 1–2...11–12, clip#]
Selects the destination track into which the WAV file will
be imported.
CLIP# will be 1 if the selected WAV file is monaural, or 2
if it is stereo.
4. FileType ..................................................( , )
Indicates whether the selected WAV file is monaural or
: The selected WAV file is monaural.
: The selected WAV file is stereo.
5. Exec.(Execute)...................................................
Executes the WAV file import operation.
Export: Export a WAV file
The audio track data you copied to the clipboard can be
saved as a WAV file on a CD-R/RW disc or the USB drive.
The D1200 can export WAV files in the following formats.
Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz
Bit depth: 16-bit, 24-bit
Number of channels: 1 (monaural), 2 (stereo)
When you export a WAV file to a CD-R/RW, the data
will be in ISO9660 level 1 format.
After exporting a WAV file to the USB drive, you can
connect a USB cable and save the WAV file on your
When you export 24-bit clipboard data, you can select
whether it will be exported as 16-bit data or as 24-bit data.
If you select 16-bit export, you can specify whether dithering
will be performed on the data.
Dithering will make the quantization noise less noticea-
1. Clip# ................................................................
Indicates the status of the clipboard.
# indicates the number of tracks in the clipboard.
2. DriveList................................................[S, C, U]
Selects the drive. For details on the drive, refer to
“Drive” (→p.103).
3. Rename............................................................
Press the “Rename” button to access the dialog box, and
assign a name to the WAV file. You can assign a name of
up to six characters to the WAV file.
The seventh and eighth characters will be assigned au-
tomatically as follows, according to the number of
tracks you are exporting.
MN: When exporting one track (monaural file)
ST: When exporting two tracks (stereo file)
01: When exporting four tracks or more, a number of
01–12 will be assigned automatically. (Each file will be
4. Date .................................................................
Lets you input the date and time of the exported WAV
file. Press the “Date” button to access the dialog box,
and specify the date and time of the WAV file. Move the
1 3
2 4
2 43