Song and Locate
Modeling mode
The Recorder
the system
4. Setting the tempo of a song
By selecting one of the three options for “TempoSource”you
can either play an entire song at the same tempo, change the
tempo during the song, or synchronize it with an external
MIDI device.
• Manual tempo: The entire song is played at one tempo.
•Tempo map: Tempo changes can be programmed
throughout the song.
•Tempo track: MIDI Clock or tap tempo will control the
Manual tempo
The settings you specify for “Tempo” (tempo), “Beat” (time
signature), and “SelRhythm” (rhythm pattern) will be used,
and will not change during the song.
1 To select the Manual settings as the tempo source:
• Access the [RHYTHM] “SetUp” tab page.
• Select “TempoSource,” and turn the [VALUE] dial to
choose “Manual.”
For more about “Tempo,” “Beat,” and “SelRhythm,” re-
fer to “1. Selecting and playing a rhythm” (→p.48).
Tempo map
Tempo maps let you change the tempo, time signature, or
rhythm pattern at the various specified measures. By using
tempo maps to change rhythm patterns, you can create a
drum track for the entire song, including an intro, breaks,
fill-ins, and an ending.
1 Using Tempo Map as the tempo source.
• Access the [RHYTHM] “SetUp” tab page.
• Select “TempoSource,” and turn the [VALUE] dial to
choose “TempoMap.”
2 Specify tempo map “001” at the beginning of the song.
• Access the [RHYTHM] “TmpMap” tab page.
• Select “TempoMap,” and turn the [VALUE] dial to
choose tempo map “001.”
Tempo map “001” specifies the tempo at the beginning
of the song, and tempo maps “002”–“200” can be used
to change the tempo at subsequent measures.
• Select the “Edit” button, and access the “Select
TempoMap001 Param” dialog box.
• Specify the tempo in “Tempo,” the time signature in
“Beat,” and the rhythm pattern in “Rhythm.”
• Use the ending measure of “Meas” to specify the
number of measures that tempo “001” will continue.
The starting measure of tempo map “001” cannot be
changed from measure “001.”
• When you have finished making settings, press the
[YES/OK] key.
3 Create a new tempo map to change the tempo, time sig-
nature, and rhythm pattern during the song.
• Select the “New” button and press the [ENTER] key.
The display will read “Select TempoMap002 Param.”
• Specify the“Tempo,” “Beat,” and “Rhythm” settings
that you want to use for this new tempo map.
• Use “Meas” to specify the starting measure and end-
ing measure at which tempo map “002” will be
•Press the [YES/OK] key to add the tempo map.
When you add a tempo map, any subsequent tempo
maps will be renumbered upward, so that they are
always numbered consecutively from the beginning
of the song to the end of the song.
• By adding tempo maps, you can create drum pat-
terns for an entire song, including an intro, breaks,
fill-ins, and an ending.
4 Listen to the tempo maps you created.
In the [RHYTHM] “SetUp” tab page, set “Tempo-
Source” to “TempoMap.” In the [RHYTHM] tab page,
set “Rhythm:On.”