
Effect Parameter List
Insert (2in2outx2)/
Master/Final Effect
Insert (2in2outx2),
Insert (1in2outx2)Insert (1in1outx4)Insert (1in1outx8)Effect ControlModeling effects
Effects within multi-effect programs
MM1–MM33, and their parameters
Here are explanations of the parameters of each effect in the
multi-effect chains listed above.
P4EQ (Parametric 4band EQ)
Excit1 (Exciter1)
Excit2 (Exciter2)
This adds Pre LEQ and Pre HEQ to Exciter 1.
Wah (Wah/Auto Wah)
Select “Pedal” if you wish to use an expression pedal to control the
Comp1 (Compressor1)
Comp2 (Compressor2)
This effect adds Pre LEQ and Pre HEQ to Comp1.
Lmtr (Limiter)
AmpSim (Amp Simulator)
MicSim (Mic Simulator)
Refer to p.137.
Decima (Decimator)
ODHiG (OverDrive/HighGain)
ChFl1 (Chorus/Flanger1)
ChFl2 (Chorus/Flanger2)
Fc1 (Band1 Cutoff [Hz])...........20Hz...1.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 1
Q1 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 1
G1 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 1
Fc2 (Band2 Cutoff [Hz])...........50Hz...5.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 2
Q2 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 2
G2 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 2
Fc3 (Band3 Cutoff [Hz]).......300Hz...10.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 3
Q3 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 3
G3 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 3
Fc4 (Band4 Cutoff [Hz]).......500Hz...20.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 4
Q4 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 4
Gain4 (Gain [dB]) .......................–18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 4
Tr im (Trim) ...........................................0...100 Sets the parametric EQ input level
Blend (Exciter Blend)...................–100...+100 Sets the intensity (depth) of the Exciter
Empha (Emphatic Point)......................0...140 Sets the frequency range to be empha-
Blend (Exciter Blend)...................–100...+100 Sets the intensity (depth) of the Exciter
Empha (Emphatic Point)......................0...140 Sets the frequency range to be empha-
Tr im (EQ Trim).....................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB])........ –15...+15dB Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB]).......–15...+15dB Sets the gain of High EQ
FcBtm (Frequency Bottom).................0...100 Sets the lower limit of the wah center fre-
FcTop (Frequency Top)........................0...100 Sets the upper limit of the wah center
*Mode (Sweep Mode)...........Auto, Pedal, LFO Selects the control from auto-wah, mod-
ulation source, and LFO
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz])....0.02...20.0Hz Sets the LFO speed
Reso (Resonance) ..............................0...100 Sets the resonance amount
LPF (LPF)........................................... Off, On Switches the wah low pass filter on and
Sense (Sensitivity)...............................1...100 Sets the sensitivity
Attack (Attack).....................................1...100 Sets the attack level
Level (Output Level) ............................0...100 Sets the output level of the compressor
Sense (Sensitivity)...............................1...100 Sets the sensitivity
Attack (Attack).....................................1...100 Sets the attack level
Tr im (EQ Trim).....................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB])........–15...+15dB Sets the gain of High EQ
HEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB])........–15...+15dB Sets the gain of Low EQ
Level (Output Level)............................0...100 Sets the output level of the compressor
Ratio (Ratio).....................1.0:1...50.0:1, Inf:1 Sets the signal compression ratio
Thrshl (Threshold [dB])...................–40...0dB Sets the level above which the compres-
sor is applied
Attck (Attack).......................................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)..................................1...100 Sets the release time
GLevel (Gain Adjust [dB])...–Inf, –38...+24dB Sets the limiter output gain
Type (Amplifier Type)...............SS, EL84, 6L6 Selects the type of guitar amplifier
LPF (Pre LPF).....................................Off, On Selects whether the harmonic noise
caused by a decrease in sampling fre-
quency is generated or not
Fs (Sampling Frequency [Hz]).....1.0k...44.1k Sets the sampling frequency
Bit (Resolution).....................................4...24 Sets the data bit length
HiDamp (High Damp [%])...................0...100 Sets the ratio of cut of the high range
Level (Output Level)............................0...100 Sets the decimator output level
Mode (Drive Mode)
.........................OD(Overdrive), HiG(Hi-Gain)
Switching between overdrive and hyper-
gain mode
*Drive (Drive)........................................1...100 Sets the degree of distortion
Level (Output Level)..............................0...50 Sets the overdrive output level
LoFc (Low Cutoff [Hz]).............20Hz...1.0kHz Sets the center frequency for Low EQ
(shelving type)
LoG (Gain [dB])...........................–18...+18dB Sets the gain of Low EQ
Md1Fc (Mid1 Cutoff [Hz])
Sets the center frequency for Mid/High
EQ 1 (peaking type)
Md1Q (Q)........................................0.5...10.0 Sets the band width of Mid/High EQ 1
Md1G (Gain [dB])........................–18...+18dB Sets the gain of Mid/High EQ 1
Md2Fc (Mid2 Cutoff [Hz])
Sets the center frequency for Mid/High
EQ 2 (peaking type)
Md2Q (Q)........................................0.5...10.0 Sets the band width of Mid/High EQ 2
Md2G (Gain [dB])........................–18...+18dB Sets the gain of Mid/High EQ 2
DTime (Delay Time [msec])....... 0.0...50.0ms Sets the delay time
LFO (LFO Waveform)....................... TRI, SIN Selects LFO Waveform
*Speed (Frequency [Hz])............0.02...20.0Hz Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth)......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Fdback (Feedback).....................–100...+100 Sets the feedback amount
Mix (Wet/Dry).....................–Wet...–1:99, Dry,
Sets the effect balance of the chorus/
DTime (Delay Time [msec])....... 0.0...50.0ms Sets the delay time
LFO (LFO Waveform)....................... TRI, SIN Selects LFO Waveform
*Speed (Frequency [Hz])............0.02...20.0Hz Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth)......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Fdback (Feedback).....................–100...+100 Sets the feedback amount
EQTrim (EQ Trim)................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]).........–15...+15dB Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB]) .......–15...+15dB Sets the gain of High EQ
Mix (Wet/Dry).....................–Wet...–1:99, Dry,
Sets the effect balance of the chorus/
Insert (1in1outx4)