InsEff4: Select and edit insert effect 4
Here you can make selections and settings for insert effect 4.
This will be displayed only if you set “SelectEffType” to
“1in1outx4” or “1in1outx8” in the “InsAss” tab page
Refer to “InsEff1: Select and edit insert effect 1” (→p.86).
InsEff5–8: Select and edit insert
effects 5–8
Here you can make selections and settings for insert effects
This will be displayed only if you set “SelectEffType” to
1in1outx8” in the “InsAss” tab page (→p.85).
For insert effects 5–8, use “SelectEffect5...8” to select an ef-
fect, and then edit it.
1. SelectEffect5...8 .................[Eff5, Eff6, Eff7, Eff8]
Select the insert effect 5–8 that will be displayed in this
page. Editing, bypass settings, and rename etc. will
apply only to the effect that is shown here.
For other details, refer to “InsEff1: Select and edit insert
effect 1” (→p.86)
Eq1–4: Adjust the EQ for mixer chan-
nels 1–4
Here you can apply EQ (equalization) to the playback of
mixer channels 1–4. Make these settings when you want to
apply EQ to the playback.
This is a three-band EQ with shelving-type high and low
bands, and a mid-EQ with adjustable center frequency.
1. TrackLevelMeter ................................................
(1, 2, 3, 4/CLP, –8, –18, –42dB)
Displays the input level from each track. The horizontal
axis indicates the channel, and the vertical axis indicates
the level.
2. HighEq ...............[(Fc=10kHz) –15.0...+15.0(dB)]
Specifies the gain of the high EQ. This adjusts the high-
frequency range of the sound.
This setting lets you boost or cut the region above 10
kHz in a range of –15.0 – +15.0 dB.
3. MidFc ................................. [100Hz...20.0k(Hz)]
Specifies the center frequency of the mid EQ, in a range
of 100 Hz–20.0 kHz.
4. MidEq...................................[–15.0...+15.0(dB)]
Specifies the gain of the mid EQ. This adjusts the mid-
frequency range of the sound.
This setting lets you boost or cut the region specified by
MidFc in a range of –15.0 – +15.0 dB.
5. LowEq ................[(Fc=100Hz) –15.0...+15.0(dB)]
Specifies the gain of the low EQ. This adjusts the low-
frequency range of the sound.
This setting lets you boost or cut the region below 100
Hz in a range of –15.0 – +15.0 dB.
6. Pair..................................................................
Pairs adjacent mixer channels. (→p.38, 86)
Eq5–8: Adjust the EQ for mixer chan-
nels 5–8
Here you can apply EQ (equalizer) to the playback of tracks
Refer to “Eq1–4: Adjust the EQ for mixer channels 1–4.”