Song and Locate
Modeling mode
The Recorder
the system
[YES/OK] key to delete it. The scene will not be deleted
if you press the [NO/CANCEL] key.
If you want to delete all scenes, select the “SelectAll”
button and press the [ENTER] key to turn it “On.” Then
press the [YES/OK] key to delete all scenes.
3-8. Applying filtering to all scenes
Applying filters will allow you to prevent specific parame-
ters on each channel from being affected by scene changes.
This can be a very handy feature.
1 In the [SCENE] “ReadDel” tab page, select the “Filter”
button and press the [ENTER] key to make the display
show “Select SceneFilter.”
2 Select the parameter(s) that you want to disable.
There are two pages of settings, so use the “Next” but-
ton to view the next page.
The first page contains parameters for each channel. For
example if you want the Scene Filter to prevent scene
changes from affecting the pan settings of channels 1
and 2, you would turn “1,” “2,” and the “PanBal” button
The second page contains parameters that apply to the
overall mix. As in the first page, turn “On” filtering for
parameters that you do not want to be affected by scene
changes. Press the [YES/OK] key to apply the settings.
3-9. Using MIDI to control scenes
MIDI output
When the scene changes, a scene change message (pro-
gram change) will be transmitted in the following cases.
• When you use “SceneNumber” in the [SCENE]
“ReadDel” tab page to switch scenes.
• When you press the [STORE] key and [SCENE] key
to register a scene.
• When “SceneRead” is “On” and the scene changes
during playback or recording.
MIDI input
If “SceneRead” is “Off,” scene change messages (pro-
gram changes) that are received will cause the D1200 to
select the scene of the corresponding number.
If “SceneRead” is “On,” these messages will not be
received, regardless of whether the D1200 is playing,
recording, or stopped.
1 Connect an external MIDI device. (→p.79)
2 In the [SYSTEM/USB] “MIDI” tab page, set “GlobalCh”
to match the channel of the external MIDI device that
will be transmitted the messages.
If you want the D1200 to transmit MIDI messages, set
the [SYSTEM/USB] “MIDI” tab page “ProgChange”
parameter “Trans” to “On.”
If you want the D1200 to receive MIDI messages, set the
[SYSTEM/USB] “MIDI” tab page “ProgChange”
parameter “Recv” to “On.”
3 In the [SCENE] “ReadDel” tab page, set “SceneRead” to
4 Transmit a program change message from the external
MIDI device to recall a scene on the D1200.
When the D1200 receives program change #0 it will
recall scene “001.” Program changes #0–99 correspond
to scenes “001”–“100.”