1–2c: Bending
Specifies the width of pitch change that will occur when the joystick is moved to left and right.
JS(+X) (Joystick Intensity +X) [–60…+24]
Specifies the amount and direction of pitch change (in semitone units) that will occur when the joystick is
moved to the right.
With positive (+) settings the pitch will rise, and with negative (-) settings the pitch will fall. A setting of 12 will
produce one octave of change.
Step (Joystick Step +X) [Continuous, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1…12]
Specifies how the pitch will change when the joystick is moved to the right.
Continuous: Smooth change.
1/8: Change in 1/8 semitone steps.
1/4: Change in 1/4 semitone steps.
1/2: Change in 1/2 semitone steps.
1...12: Change in steps of the specified number of semitones (up to 1 octave).
JS(–X) (Joystick Intensity –X) [–60…+24]
Specifies the amount and direction of pitch change (in semitone units) that will occur when the joystick is
moved to the left.
Step (Joystick Step –X) [Continuous, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1…12]
Specifies how the pitch will change when the joystick is moved to the left.
Refer to Step (Joystick Step +X).
If the Step (Joystick Step +X) or Step (Joystick Step –X) settings are greater than the settings for JS (+X) and
JS (–X), the pitch will not change.
1–2d: Portamento
These settings specify how portamento will be applied. (Portamento creates a smooth change in pitch
from one note to the next.) The setting you make here is valid only if Enable is checked.
Check this when you wish to use portamento.
Check this when you want to apply portamento only when a note is pressed while continuing to hold the
previous note.
Time [0…99]
Specifies the portamento time. Higher values will cause the pitch to change more slowly.
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFF…MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Time.”
Intensity (Portamento Time AMS Intensity) [–99…+99]
Specifies the way in which the portamento time will be controlled by the “AMS .”
1-2: OSC Basic