
2:1 OSC 1 (06: Cross Modulation)
06: Cross Modulation
This uses a modulator to frequency-modulate a carrier. You
can select one of four waveforms as the carrier. In general, a
pitch envelope is applied to the modulator. A carrier oscillator
is built-in to the Cross Modulation OSC. You can select the
output of the other oscillator etc. as the modulator.
21a: Input
Input [OSC2(1), SubOSC, Noise, Filter1, Filter2]
Specifies the modulator.
Carrier [Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine]
Specifies the carrier waveform.
Wave Edge [099]
Specifies the amount of high frequency harmonics for the carrier waveform. As this value is decreased, the
sound will have less high-frequency harmonics, and as it approaches 0 the volume will also decrease.
21b: Mod. Depth
Mod. Depth [099]
Specifies the depth of modulation. At a setting of 0, the carrier waveform will be output without change.
AMS.1 (Alternate Modulation Source 1) [OFFMIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 1 (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Mod. Depth.”
Intensity (Modulation Depth AMS.1 Intensity) [99+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect of “AMS.1.”
AMS.2 (Alternate Modulation Source 2) [OFFMIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 2 (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Mod. Depth.”
Intensity (Modulation Depth AMS.2 Intensity) [99+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect of “AMS.2.”
Cross Modulation
Cross Modulation Depth
Carrier Wave