Noise Level [0…99]
Specifies the level of the noise component that is included in the attack waveform. As this value is increased, a
greater portion of noise will be included in the attack, and the sound will be brighter with more overtones. The
noise signal used here is taken from the output of the noise generator.
Velocity (Noise Level Velocity Control) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that velocity will have on “Noise Level.” For the way in which the
effect occurs, refer to “Velocity (
page 36 of this manual).”
2–1b: Attack Curve
Curve Up [0…99]
Specifies the steepness of the rising edge of the attack waveform.When the rising or falling edge is steep, the
tone will be harder.
Velocity (Curve Up Velocity Control) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that velocity will have on “Curve Up.” For the way in which the
effect occurs, refer to “Velocity (
page 36 of this manual).”
Curve Down [0…99]
Specifies the steepness of the falling edge of the attack waveform.
Velocity (Curve Doun Velocity Control) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that velocity will have on “Curve Down.” For the way in which
the effect occurs, refer to “Velocity (
page 36 of this manual).”
2–1c: String
Picking Position [0…99]
Specifies the location at which the string will be plucked. A setting of 0 is the end of the string, 50 is the middle
of the string, and 99 is the other end of the string.
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFF…MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Picking Position.”
Intensity (Picking Position AMS Intensity) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect of “AMS.”
Damp [0…99]
Specifies the amount of high-frequency attenuation that will be produced by the characteristics of the string
and by how the string is pressed.
As this value is increased, the high-frequency components of the vibration in the string will be attenuated
(dampened) more strongly, producing a darker sound. In general, this parameter should be set to a higher
value to simulate instruments which use soft strings or which have no frets, and to a lower value to simulate
instruments which use hard strings or which have frets.
2:1 OSC 1 (12: Plucked String Model)
Envelope of the attack waveform
Volume level
Attack Curve Up
Attack Curve Down