6-1: LFO 1
Key Sync [OFF/by TIMBRE/by VOICE]
Use the radio buttons to select the key sync setting (i.e., whether or not the phase of the LFO waveform will be
returned to its initial state when a note-on occurs).
OFF : The LFO will operate (cycle) regardless of note-on.
by TIMBRE : Key sync will occur for the LFOs of all voices at the time of the first note-on that
occurs in a state when no keys are on.
by VOICE :Key sync will occur independently for the individual LFO of the voice for which
note-on occurred.
6–1b: Frequency
If you used the radio buttons to select Frequency, set the following parameters to specify the LFO
F (Frequency) [0(0Hz)…199(60Hz)]
Specifies the frequency of the LFO.
AMS.1 (Alternate Modulation Source 1) [OFF…MIDI (CC#83)]
Select a modulation source 1 (
page 64 of this manual) that will control the LFO frequency.
Intensity (Frequency AMS.1 Intensity) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that “AMS.1” will have on the “F (Frequency)” value.
AMS.2 (Alternate Modulation Source 2) [OFF…MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 2 (
page 64 of this manual) that will control the LFO frequency.
Intensity (Frequency AMS.2 Intensity) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that “AMS.2” will have on the “F (Frequency)” value.
6–1c: MIDI Sync
If you used the radio buttons to select MIDI Sync, set the following parameters to synchronize the
LFO frequency to MIDI Clock.
When the Global mode parameter “1-1d: MIDI Clock” (
page 119 in Parameter Guide) is set to Internal the
LFO will synchronize to the tempo specified by Prog. Temp, and if it is set to External the LFO will synchronize
to the MIDI Clock messages received from an External MIDI device.
MIDI Sync Base [ 3 3 3 ]
MIDI Sync Time [1…16]
This is relative to the tempo determined by the MIDI clock, these settings specify the note length (Base) and its
multiple (Time) that will set the period of the synchronized LFO. For example if “MIDI Sync Base” is (quarter
note) and “MIDI Sync Time” is 4, the LFO period will be four beats.
Prog. Temp [40…240]
Selects the tempo that will be used when MIDI Clock is set to Internal.
Key Sync SW = Off
Key Sync SW = byTIMBRE / byVOICE