
21a: Wave
Main Wave [Saw, Pulse]
Selects the main waveform. Select either Saw (sawtooth wave) or Pulse (pulse wave).
Level [099]
Specifies the output level of the main waveform.
Wave Edge [099]
Adjusts the amount of high-range overtones for the main waveform. As the pitch rises, this effect will become
stronger, and in the low range there will be little effect. Lower settings of this parameter will produce a more mellow
sound, and in the vicinity of 0 the volume will also decrease.
Triangle Level [099]
Specifies the output level of the triangle waveform. It will be output mixed with the main waveform.
Sine Level [099]
Specifies the output level of the sine waveform. It will be output mixed with the main waveform.
Phase Shift (Triangle & Sine Phase Shift) [99+99]
Specifies the phase difference between the main waveform and the triangle and sine waveforms. (The triangle
and sine waveforms will always be in phase with each other.)
21b: Waveform(Waveform Modulation)
Waveform [99+99]
Specifies the waveform. For the way in which this value will affect the waveform, refer to the diagrams shown
on the previous page for sawtooth wave, pulse wave, and triangle wave.
Selects the source LFO for waveform modulation. LFO settings are made in the “Program Edit P6.”
Intensity (Waveform Modulation LFO Intensity) [99+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the waveform modulation that will be controlled by the LFO specified in
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFFMIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Waveform.”
Intensity (Waveform AMS Intensity) [99+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the waveform modulation controlled by the “AMS.” For negative settings,
the polarity of the modulation source will be inverted.
21c: Wave Shape
Input (Input Level) [099]
Specifies the level of the signal that is input from the standard oscillator to the wave shaping table.
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFFMIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source (
page 64 of this manual) that will control “Input.”
Intensity (Input Level AMS Intensity) [99+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the waveform modulation controlled by the “AMS.”
Output level
Input level
Input waveform
Output waveform
Example of when Input Level is modified (Table Type : Reso)
Input Level
Input Level
Input Level
Input Level
2:1 OSC 1 (01: Standard)