Computer Interface
RS-232C Protocol (FS-C5030N only)
Parameters of the RS-232C Protocol
A protocol is a set of rules followed by various devices to send or receive
data. The parameters of the RS-232C protocol are stored in the battery-
powered memory of the printer. You can verify these parameters on the
status printout as marked by the following identifications:
• H1: Baud rate
• H2: Number of data bits
• H3: Number of stop bits
• H4: Parity
• H5: Protocol logic
• H6: Buffer-nearly-full threshold
• H7: Buffer nearly-empty threshold
• H8: Received data buffer size
The parameters can be changed from the printer operator panel. To
change the value for the serial interface parameters, see Changing Serial
Interface Parameters (FS-C5030N only) on page 2-30.
This following section outlines the parameters and their values you can
select on the operator panel:
H1: Baud rate
The factory setting is 96 (9600 baud).
H2: Number of data bits
7 or 8. The factory setting is 8.
H3: Number of stop bits
1 or 2. The factory setting is 1.
Parameter value Baud rate
12 1200
24 2400
48 4800
96 9600
19 19200
38 38400
57 57600
11 115200