MP tray This tray is used instead of the cassette when printing on envelopes,
postcards, transparency sheets, and labels.
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended
User Interface)
An enhanced version of the NetBIOS protocol, it enables the utilization of
more advanced functions on small-scale networks than do other protocols
such as TCP/IP, etc.
Outline font With outline fonts, character outlines are represented with numerical
expressions and fonts can be enlarged or reduced in different ways by
changing the numeric values of those expressions. Printing remains clear
even if you enlarge fonts, since the characters are defined with outlines
represented with numerical expressions. You can specify the font size in
steps of 0.25 points up to 999.75 points.
PostScript This is a page description language developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. It
enables flexible font functions and highly-functional graphics, allowing
higher quality printing.
PPM (prints per minute) This indicates the number of printouts made in one minute.
Printer driver The printer driver makes it possible for you to print data created using
application software. The printer driver for the printer is contained on the
CD-ROM supplied with the printer. Install the printer driver on the computer
connected to the printer.
Sleep mode This mode is provided to save power. It is activated when the machine is
not used for a preset period of time. In this mode, power is reduced to the
minimum. The default setting can be changed.
Status page This lists machine conditions, such as the machine’s memory, the total
number of prints and paper source settings. You can print the status page
from the operation panel.
Subnet Mask This is a 32-bit numerical value that defines which bits of the IP address
specify the network address and which specify the host address.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol)
TCP/IP is a suite of protocols designed to define the way computers and
other devices communicate with each other over a network.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) An interface standard for low to middle speed serial interfaces. This printer
supports Hi-Speed USB. The maximum transfer rate is 480 Mbps and the
maximum cable length is 5 meters (16 feet).