Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
43 Version 1.0 Lucent Technologies Inc.
AT Voice Commands Reference
AT+FCLASS=8 Enter Voice Mode
The command AT+FCLASS=8 puts the modem in voice mode. Speakerphone and TAD modes are subsumed
under the more general heading of voice mode, and use a particular subset of voice mode commands to
implement their respective features and functions.
The modem controller will maintain the overall state of the system so as to know when voice commands are
issued in the context of using the speakerphone versus TAD or other voice contexts.
AT+FCLASS? Returns the current DCE mode
AT+FCLASS=? Queries the DCE for the range of modes supported DCE returns: 0, 1, 8, 80 (data, FAX,
voice, VoiceView)
AT+VIP Initialize Voice Parameters
The command AT+VIP causes the modem to initialize all the voice parameters to their default values. The
command has no effect on the +FCLASS setting.
AT+VCID=<pmode> Caller ID
With this command caller identification is enabled/disabled.
Disable caller ID: <pmode>=0
Enable, formatted caller report: <pmode>=1
Enable, unformatted caller report: <pmode>=2
AT+VCID? Returns the current caller ID pmode
AT+VCID=? Queries the DCE for the range of supported caller ID report formats DCE returns: 0, 1, 2
AT+VDR=<enable>,<report> Distinctive Ringing & Cadence Report
This command will enable the distinctive ringing feature. This will allow a report of DROF/DRON to follow an
exact ring cadence coming over the phone line.
AT+VDR? Returns the current values of <enable> and <report
AT+VDR=? Queries the DCE for the range of supported distinctive ring configurations DCE
returns: (0, 1), (0255)
AT+VGT=<level> Speaker Volume Control
This command will enable the speaker volume control.
✟ <level> is 0255
✟ <level>=128: Nominal volume level for sending to speaker
✟ <level>=<value greater than 128>: Increase volume above nominal level
✟ <level>=<value less than 128>: Decrease volume below nominal level
AT+VGT? Returns current value
AT+VGT=? Returns range of supported values