Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
61 Version 1.0 Lucent Technologies Inc.
AT Commands for Homologation Testing and Debugging
This section lists the homologation testing and debugging commands and homologation parameter values for
different countries.
Table 11. The Homologation Testing and Debugging Commands
Name Description Value Comments
%Txx Test Commands
01 Data voice relay on
02 Data voice relay off
03 Caller-ID relay on
04 Caller-ID relay off
05 Audio codec on
06 Audio codec off
07 Shunt relay on
08 Shunt relay off
09 ac off-hook relay on
10 ac off-hook relay off
11 Loop limit on
12 Loop limit off
13 Loop VI on
14 Loop VI off
15 Ring impedance on
16 Ring impedance off
17 —
18 —
Write to EEPROM 19 AT%T19, <loc>, <val> (<loc> and <val>
are in hex)
Read from EEPROM 20 AT%T20, <loc> (<loc> is in hex).
Modify homologation parameter 21 AT%T21, <param#>, <param_value>
(<param#> and <param_value> are in
hex as defined in the parameters table).
Read homologation parameter 22 AT%T22, <param#> (<param#> is in hex
as defined in the parameters table).
Generate DTMF 0 - 9
Generate DTMF * 33 —
Generate DTMF # 34 —
Generate DTMF A - D
V.25 answer tone (2100Hz) 39 —
V.25 data calling tone (1300Hz) 40 —
FAX calling tone (1100Hz) 41 —
1800Hz guard tone 42 —
V.21 channel 1 mark symbol originate 90 Set S37 = 3, ATB0
V.21 channel 1 mark symbol answer 91 Set S37 = 3, ATB0
V.21 channel 1 space symbol originate 92 Set S37 = 3, ATB0
V.21 channel 1 space symbol answer 93 Set S37 = 3, ATB0
V.23 originate channel mark symbol 90 Set S37 = 2
V.23 answer channel mark symbol 91 Set S37 = 2
V.23 originate channel space symbol 92 Set S37 = 2
V.23 answer channel space symbol 93 Set S37 = 2