Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
AT Voice Commands Reference (continued)
Lucent Technologies Inc. Version 1.0
AT+VGR=<gain> Receive Gain Selection
This command will enable the receive microphone gain control.
✟ <gain> is 0255: the only useful range is 121—134
✟ <gain>=128: nominal level for receive gain from microphone
✟ <gain>=<value greater than 128>: increase gain above nominal level
✟ <gain>=<value less than 128>: decrease gain below nominal level
TAD mode—This command may be used in TAD local recording to control the recording level from the
Speakerphone mode—This command may be used to control the gain to the remote caller.
AT+VGR? Returns current value of receive gain
AT+VGR=? Returns range of supported gain values
AT+VEM=<mask> Event Reporting and Masking
The DTE can use this command to disable an event report regardless of the DCE state, or of the analog signal
source or destination configuration. Mask is Bits 0—33 (i.e., FFFFFFFFC). See the IS-101 specification for
defined bit values.
AT+VEM? Returns the current values of the mask
AT+VEM=? Queries the DCE for the range of supported service level events
AT+VIT = <Timer> DTE/DCE Inactivity Timer
This command sets the DCE’s value for the DTE/DCE inactivity timer. The units are in one seconds.
AT+VIT? Returns the current value of the timer
AT+VIT=? Queries the DCE for the range of supported values
AT+VNH = <Hook> Automatic Hang-up Control
This command causes the DCE to enable or disable automatic hangups in the data and facsimile modes. See
the IS-101 specification for the detailed description of this command and its interaction with the +FCLASS and
ATH commands.
✟ <hook> = 0 The DCE retains automatic hangups (which is the way in the other non-voice modes).
✟ <hook> = 2 The DCE disables automatic hangups in the other non-voice modes. The DTE only performs a
logical hangup (returns the “OK” result code).
AT+VNH? Returns the current value
AT+VNH=? Returns the supported values