Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
AT Voice Commands Reference (continued)
Lucent Technologies Inc. Version 1.0
Example # 3: Answering a speakerphone call
The speakerphone application is loaded. The modem is initially idle, in data mode. In this mode, the modem is
always screening for incoming calls.
Command Description
RING DCE reports ringing from remote station. The user decides to pick-up the
phone, which should initiate the following:
AT+FCLASS=8 Modem enters voice mode.
OK DCE responds. Now in voice mode.
AT+VGT=128 Speaker volume set to normal.
OK DCE responds. Volume level is set.
AT+VLS=7 Call is answered: Attach internal speaker and microphone to the line, DCE
OK DCE responds. Now in speakerphone mode, connected to the line
(call is answered).
Speakerphone user picks up the phone and hears the caller from the other end. Conversation continues for
awhile. When it ends, the speakerphone user hangs up.
Command Description
ATH DTE issues standard command to terminate call.
OK DCE responds. Speakerphone goes on-hook. Speaker and microphone are
detached from system, and modem returns to data mode (+FCLASS=0).
Note 1: When the local phone goes off-hook in the middle of a speakerphone call, the speakerphone
disconnects, and the DCE returns <DLE>-H to the DTE.
Note 2: When the speakerphone is on, call waiting (hold operation) is initiated by:
Command Description
ATD! DTE sends hold command to DCE.
OK DCE responds.
Example # 4: Receiving an incoming FAX call in speakerphone or TAD mode and switching to FAX mode
In this example, the sequence begins at the point of the user or telephone answering device (TAD) taking the
speakerphone off-hook and detecting a FAX calling tone from the other end.
Command Description
<DLE>-c DCE detects FAX calling tone from the remote FAX and informs the application
by sending DLE-c sequence.
AT+FCLASS=1 Application switches modem out of voice mode, and into FAX mode.
OK DCE responds. Now in FAX mode, still off-hook and connected to incoming call.
ATA Application instructs modem to answer FAX call using standard AT commands.
OK DCE responds. The call is answered, and modem continues with procedures to
establish connection and receive FAX transmission. The application software
will then take care of disconnecting the call when the FAX is done, and returns to
data mode (+FCLASS=0).