Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
AT Commands for Homologation Testing and Debugging (continued)
Lucent Technologies Inc. Version 1.0
Table 13. The Homologation Parameters (continued)
Par # Parameter Description Range
19 Number of failed attempts allowed before
0—255 ATD
1a Troubled call delay in minutes 0—255 ATD
1b Ineffective call delay in minutes 0—255 ATD
1c Erroneous call delay in minutes 0—255 ATD
1d Blacklisting duration in multiple of 10 minutes 0—255;
0 = only delayed and no blacklisting
255 = no limit (i.e., till power turned off)
1e Over-current sense validation time in
multiples of 10 ms
0—255, 0 = current sense disabled. ATA, ATD
1f Calling tone flag 0 = disabled
1 = enabled, and disable with ^ dial
modifier permitted
2 = enabled, and disable with ^ dial
modifier not permitted
ATD , S35
20 Blind dial flag 0 = not permitted
1 = permitted
2 = permitted with speaker on
21 Busy detect disable (with ATX) flag 0 = not permitted
1 = permitted
22 Guard tone type 0 = not present & adjustable
1 = 550 Hz, 2 = 1800 Hz
23 Bell modes permitted flag 0 = not permitted
1 = permitted
24 Off-hook (ATH1) restrictions 0 = no restrictions
1 = restricted by S7 duration
2 = not allowed
25 Shunt relay on time during off-hook in
multiples of 10 ms.
0 = shunt relay disabled
26 Hook flash time in multiples of 10 ms 0—255
0 = hook flash not allowed
27 Min. blind dial pause in seconds 0—65 S6
28 Max. blind dial pause in seconds 0—65 S6
29 Min. no answer time-out in seconds 0—65 S7
2a Max. no answer time-out in seconds 0—65 S7
2b Min. dial pause time in seconds 0—65 S8
2c Max. dial pause time in seconds 0—65 S8
2d Min. no carrier disconnect time in multiples of
100 ms
1—65 S10
2e Max. no carrier disconnect time in multiples of
100 ms
1—255 S10
2f Transmit level in dB with implied minus sign 0—255 ATD
30 Dial modifier validation 0 = if an invalid dial modifier is found, treat the
entire dial string as null (no digits dialed)
1 = ignore invalid dial modifiers