Revision 1.8 Page 11
values in its permanent memory. Therefore, it is important to verify that the deviation
calibration process completed successfully.
The preferred method for deviation calibration is to use a Maretron display (procedure 1)
because you receive direct feedback on the calibration process with a clear indication of a
successful or unsuccessful deviation calibration. Deviation calibration done automatically at
power-up (procedure 2) is less desirable than procedure 1 because it is more difficult to verify
that a successful deviation calibration completed. As an alternative to procedures 1 and 2,
users with direct access to the NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000
interfaces can perform magnetic
deviation calibration directly through the NMEA 0183 interface (see Appendix A) or the NMEA
interface (see Appendix B). These direct access methods also provide an indication of a
successful deviation calibration or an indication of an unsuccessful deviation calibration and
the corresponding reason for the failure.
3.1.1 Maretron Display Initiated Deviation Calibration
Maretron display initiated deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through
successive circles while the SSC200 receives a command from a Maretron display product
(e.g., DSM200). The procedure is as follows:
1. Ensure that the compass has been properly installed per Section 2.
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle).
4. While continuing to turn the vessel as indicated in step 3, use the display’s menu items
to locate and send the deviation calibration command (please refer to the display
product user’s manual).
5. Continue turning the vessel through at least three complete circles until the display
indicates a successful deviation calibration.
While turning the vessel, try to maintain a circle by holding the rudder at a constant angle. In
addition, try to minimize the vessel’s pitch and roll by calibrating on calm, flat water.
After deviation calibration is complete, the results of the deviation calibration, which indicate
the quality of the compass installation environment, may be seen using a Maretron display
product (e.g., DSM200 - please refer to the DSM200 user’s manual for details). This allows
you to compare different installation points on a vessel to determine the optimum location for
the SSC200.
3.1.2 Automatic Power-Up Deviation Calibration
Automatic power-up deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through four
complete circles within 10 minutes of power-up. The procedure is as follows:
1. Ensure that the compass has been properly installed per Section 2.
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle).