SSC200 User’s Manual
Page 16 Revision 1.8
5.1 Rate of Turn Damping Period Selection with Maretron Display
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular rate of turn damping period using a Maretron
display product (e.g., DSM200). Refer to the display product user’s manual for details on
programming the SSC200 to use a specific damping period.
5.2 Rate of Turn Damping Period Selection by NMEA 0183
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular rate of turn damping period through the
NMEA 0183 interface. Refer to Appendix A for details on programming the SSC200 to use a
specific damping period.
5.3 Rate of Turn Zeroing
The SSC200 may be used as a rate of turn indicator, which should read zero when the vessel
is not turning. It is possible that the rate of turn indication has an offset; that is, it may show a
non-zero value when the vessel is at rest. This offset changes with temperature but the
SSC200 has the ability to remember the offset at different temperatures. You teach the
SSC200 by using “Rate of Turn Zeroing”. It is possible to do “Rate of Turn Zeroing” using a
Maretron display product, such as the DSM200 (please refer to the display product user’s
manual for details).
6 Maintenance
Regular maintenance is important to ensure continued proper operation of the Maretron
SSC200. Perform the following tasks periodically:
• Clean the unit with a soft cloth. Do not use chemical cleaners as they may remove
markings or may corrode the compass enclosure or seals. Do not use any cleaners
containing acetone, as they will deteriorate the plastic enclosure.
• Ensure that the unit is mounted securely and cannot be moved relative to the mounting
surface. If the unit is loose, tighten the mounting screws and repeat the magnetic
deviation calibration and installation-offset correction.
• Check the security of the cables connected to the NMEA 2000
and/or NMEA 0183
interfaces and tighten if necessary.