SSC200 User’s Manual
Page A6 Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing Revision 1.8
5. Continue turning the vessel through at least 3 circles until you see one of the following
Maretron proprietary sentences:
a. $IITXT,01,01,02,Deviation Calibration Successfully Completed*17<CR><LF> This
sentence indicates a successful calibration and you can jump to step number 6.
b. $IITXT,01,01,03,Deviation Calibration Failed To Complete*43<CR><LF> This
sentence indicates that the calibration failed (return to step number 1).
6. Turn the periodic transmissions back on by sending the following Maretron proprietary
NMEA0183 sentence to the SSC200 - $PMAREXE,SSC200,,FD,1,,,<CR><LF>
7. Proceed to Installation-Offset Correction
SSC200 NMEA 0183 Installation-Offset Correction
Installation-offset correction can be performed by sending a Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183
sentence to the SSC200. The procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure the vessel is laying in flat water on a known heading,
2. Send the following Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence to the SSC200:
$PMAREXE,SSC200,,24,”known heading in tenths of degrees”,,,<CR><LF>
Where “known heading in tenths of degrees” is expressed in 10
of degrees (i.e., 121.7°
would be programmed as 1217)
Sending this Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence to the SSC200 causes the heading,
roll, and pitch offsets to be written to permanent memory.