Revision 1.8 Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183 Page C1
Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183
In order to perform configuration of the SSC200 over the NMEA 0183 interface, it is preferable that the
connection be made by a RS-232 to RS-422 level converter. In the case that a level converter is not available,
the following method can be attempted:
1. Connect the SSC200 to the PC's serial port. Please note that the SSC200 uses RS-422 signal levels,
while PC serial ports operate with RS-232 signal levels. If you do not have a RS-232 to RS-422 level
converter, some people have reported success connecting directly to a RS-232 serial port using the
following connections:
a. Connect TXB (brown) and RXB (white) together and to the System Ground pin (GND, pin 5) of
the RS-232 port.
b. Connect TXA (gray) to the Receive Data pin (RXD, pin 2) of the RS-232 port.
c. Connect RXA (blue) to the Transmit Data pin (TXD, pin 3) of the RS-232 port.
Ensure that the NMEA 0183 signals from the SSC200 are connected to nothing else besides the
computer’s RS-232 port to avoid ground loops. While some people have had success with this method,
Maretron cannot guarantee that such a connection will work with every computer and highly recommends
the use of a level converter.
2. Connect power to the compass:
a. Connect 9-16 VDC to V+ (red).
b. Connect system ground to V- (black).
3. Start Hyperterm and connect it to the port to which the SSC200 is connected (4800 or 38400 bps,
depending on the baudrate the compass is set to, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). You should now see
compass data in the form of NMEA0183 sentences on the Hyperterm screen.
4. Type "shell".
The NMEA0183 sentences will stop and a "cmd>" prompt will appear.