SSC200 User’s Manual
Page 18 Revision 1.8
8 Technical Specifications
Parameter Value Comment
Static Heading Accuracy <1° rms ±45° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
Heading Display Resolution 0.1° With Maretron Display
Settling Time 1 Second To Static Accuracy after 35°/Second Turn
Heading Deviation Yes Automatic or Initiated through Interfaces
Alignment Calibration Yes Manual or Initiated through Interfaces
Pitch and Roll Range ±80°
Pitch and Roll Accuracy <1° ±45° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
Pitch and Roll Display Resolution 0.1° With Maretron Display
Pitch and Roll to Boat Alignment Yes Manual or Initiated through Interfaces
Rate of Turn Range 0° - 90° per Second
Rate of Turn Accuracy ±1° per Second 0° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
Parameter Comment
NMEA 2000 Level A
Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment & Systems Tested to IEC 60945
FCC and CE Mark Electromagnetic Compatibility
NMEA 2000
Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) - See Appendix B for Details
Description PGN # PGN Name Default Rate
Periodic Data PGNs 127250 Vessel Heading 10 Times/Second
127257 Attitude 1 Time/Second
127251 Rate of Turn 10 Times/Second
Response to Requested PGNs 126464 PGN List (Transmit and Receive) N/A
126996 Product Information N/A
126998 Configuration Information N/A
Protocol PGNs 059392 ISO Acknowledge N/A
059904 ISO Request N/A
060416 ISO Transport Protocol, Connection
060160 ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer N/A
060928 ISO Address Claim N/A
065240 ISO Address Command N/A
126206 NMEA N/A
NMEA 0183 Sentences - See Appendix A for Details
Description Acronym Sentence Name Default Rate
HDG Heading, Deviation, and Variation 10 Times/Second
HDM Heading, Magnetic (Not normally transmitted, see Appendix A) N/A
HDT Heading True (Not normally transmitted, see Appendix A) N/A
ROT Rate of Turn 5 Times/Second
PMAROUT Maretron Proprietary Attitude (Pitch and Roll) 1 Time/Second
TXT Text Transmission N/A
RMC Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data N/A
VTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed N/A