
Lighting .......................................... 284
Vehicle ........................................... 286
Convenience submenu
Easy-entry/exit feature .................. 286
Fold-in function for exterior rear
view mirrors ................................... 287
Anticorrosion/antifreeze ............... 428
Capacities ...................................... 425
Checking level ............................... 324
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 381
Copyright, audio ................................ 178
Crosshair position in map ................ 106
saving in Last Destinations ............ 147
Cruise control .................................... 290
Activating ....................................... 290
Canceling ....................................... 291
Changing the set speed ................. 291
Last stored speed .......................... 292
Lever .............................................. 290
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 367
Resume function ............................ 292
Setting current speed .................... 291
Cup holder ......................................... 306
Curb weight ....................................... 345
Current location of vehicle
see Vehicle location (current)
Current street, displaying ................ 110
Customer Assistance Center (CAC) ... 29
Customer Relations Department ....... 29
see Instrument cluster
Data for navigation
see Updating map software
Data recording ..................................... 29
Date format
setting ............................................. 94
Daytime running lamp mode ............ 251
Switching on or off ......................... 284
Deep water
see Standing water
Defogging (windshield) ..................... 303
Front (Climate control system) ...... 302
Rear window .................................. 304
Delayed shut-off
Exterior lamps ................................ 285
Interior lighting .............................. 286
Department of Transportation
see DOT
Deregistering Bluetooth devices ..... 151
Destination input .............................. 114
entering a city ................................ 115
Entering a house number ............... 119
from destination memory .............. 122
from Last Destinations .................. 123
from map ....................................... 123
Selecting a state/province ............ 114
speed restriction on .............. 102, 123
Stopover ........................................ 124
via address .................................... 114
Destination memory (See also Last
Destinations) ............................. 122, 143
adding stopover destination .......... 124
choosing destination from ............. 122
home address in ............................ 143
saving destinations to ............ 145, 216
voice control for ............................ 216
Destination memory list ................... 123
Destination reached message ......... 135
adding to address book ................. 146
displaying information about ......... 138
distance to, displaying ................... 110
guidance to .................................... 132
moving map to ............................... 107
saving to destination
memory ................................. 145, 216
Search & Send service ................... 125
selecting point of interest .............. 126
stopover destinations .................... 124
voice control with .......................... 213
see Route guidance
Detour function ................................. 137
Dialed calls, list of ............................. 155
Dialing telephone
see Calling
see Voice control
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 8