
Speed settings
Cruise control ................................ 291
Resume function ............................ 292
Speller .................................................. 86
destination memory list ................. 122
for points of interest (POIs) ... 128, 130
house number list .......................... 119
street junction list .......................... 120
street list ....................................... 118
zip code list ................................... 117
Spelling with voice command .......... 209
SRS (Supplemental Restraint
Indicator lamp ................... 35, 44, 392
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 378
Standing water, driving through ...... 351
Starter switch positions
KEYLESS-GO .................................. 241
SmartKey ....................................... 242
Starting difficulties (engine) ............ 258
Starting the engine ........................... 258
State of destination,
selecting .................................... 114, 213
Station selection (radio)
voice commands for ...................... 222
Steering column
see Multifunction steering wheel,
Steering wheel ............................ 80, 208
see Multifunction steering wheel
Steering wheel gearshift control ..... 267
Stolen Vehicle Recovery Services ... 313
Stopover destinations ...................... 124
deleting .......................................... 125
Stopping playback
main audio ..................................... 186
main video ..................................... 202
Storage compartments ..................... 304
Storage media handling ... 100, 180, 199
Storing tires ....................................... 339
Street junctions, selecting as
destination ......................................... 120
Street of destination,
selecting .................................... 118, 214
Subtitles for DVD Video .................... 205
Summer and standard time
switching ......................................... 94
Summer tires ..................................... 424
Sun visors .................................. 306, 307
Adjusting illumination brightness ... 285
Symbols in this book .......................... 70
System language
for input speller ............................. 157
System menu ....................................... 92
Overspeed range ........................... 271
Tail lamps
Cleaning lenses ............................. 357
Tar stains ........................................... 355
Technical data
Air conditioning refrigerant ............ 426
Brake fluid ..................................... 426
Capacities fuels, coolants,
lubricants etc. ................................ 425
Coolant .......................................... 428
Engine oil additives ........................ 426
Engine oils ..................................... 426
Fuel requirements .......................... 427
Gasoline additives .......................... 427
Identification labels ....................... 420
Premium unleaded gasoline ........... 427
Rims and tires ................................ 422
Vehicle specification SLS AMG
(197) .............................................. 421
Washer and headlamp cleaning
system ................................... 425, 429
Technical data (dimensions)
see Vehicle specification
Technical data (electrical system)
see Vehicle specification
Technical data (engine)
see Vehicle specification
Technical data (weights)
see Vehicle specification
Tele Aid (Canada only) ...................... 308
Emergency calls ............................. 309
Information button ......................... 311
Initiating an emergency call ........... 310
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 21