Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standards .................................. 339, 346
Selecting speedometer display
mode ............................................. 283
Units of measurement, navigation .. 103
Unleaded gasoline, premium ........... 427
Unlocking the vehicle
Manually ........................................ 398
SmartKey ....................................... 236
Updating Gracenote
Database ............................................ 188
Updating map software .................... 100
Upholstery, cleaning ......................... 359
USB devices
connecting to ................................. 192
playback options ............................ 197
playlists and folders ....................... 195
selecting active partition ............... 197
selecting tracks ..................... 195, 196
Useful features .................................. 306
Valet locking ...................................... 241
Battery ........................................... 410
Care ............................................... 354
Control system .............................. 272
Identification Number (VIN) ........... 420
Locking/unlocking ........................ 236
Modifications and alterations,
Operating safety .............................. 28
Towing ........................................... 415
Unlocking/locking manually .......... 398
Vehicle dimensions
see Vehicle specification
Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN) ................................................... 420
Vehicle jack
see Jack
Vehicle lighting .................................. 249
Vehicle loading
Load limit ....................................... 335
Terminology ................................... 345
Vehicle location (current)
displaying ...................................... 110
GPS reception ................................ 103
moving map to ............................... 107
saving in Last Destinations .... 106, 147
Vehicle maximum load on the tire ... 347
Vehicle specification
SLS AMG (197) .............................. 421
Vehicle status message memory .... 282
Vehicle tool kit .................................. 362
Vehicle washing
see Vehicle care
Vehicle weights
see Vehicle specification
Video .................................................. 198
control menu, displaying/hiding .... 201
handling and care of discs ............. 199
interactive content ........................ 205
operating DVD menu ..................... 203
picture settings .............................. 203
voice control with .......................... 230
Video Aux (auxiliary)
main system .................................. 205
Voice control ..................................... 206
canceling the dialog ....................... 208
command list ................................. 225
creating voice names ..................... 219
general operation .......................... 207
help function .................................. 232
interrupting the dialog ................... 208
operating safety ............................. 206
starting the dialog .......................... 208
switching help screen on or off ........ 95
troubleshooting ............................. 231
with address book ......... 166, 218, 231
with DVD changer .......................... 224
with external equipment (Aux) ....... 225
with navigation .............................. 212
with phone ..................................... 209
with radio and satellite radio ......... 221
Voice Control
delete name ................................... 220
find address ................................... 217
Individualization ............................... 95
Settings ........................................... 95
Voice mail, voice control for ............ 211
Voice names, creating ...................... 219
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 24