Terminating calls: Press button ~ on
the multifunction steering wheel.
Press the respective button for ending a
telephone call on the COMAND system.
Wrench button
Press and hold wrench button : for longer
than 2 seconds.
A call to a Mercedes-Benz Roadside
Assistance representative will be initiated.
The indicator lamp in wrench button : will
flash while the call is in progress. The
message Connecting Call will appear in
the multifunction display and the COMAND
system is muted.
When the connection is established, the
message Call Connected appears in the
multifunction display. The mbrace system will
transmit data generating the vehicle
identification number, model, color and
location (subject to availability of cellular and
GPS signals).
The COMAND system display indicates
that a mbrace call is in progress. While the
call is connected you can change to the
navigation menu by pressing the NAVI
button on the COMAND system. Spoken
commands are not available.
A voice connection between the Roadside
Assistance representative and the occupants
of the vehicle will be established.
Describe the nature of the need for
The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance
representative will either dispatch a qualified
Mercedes-Benz technician or arrange to tow
your vehicle to the nearest authorized
Mercedes-Benz Center. For services such as
labor and/or towing, charges may apply.
Refer to the Roadside Assistance brochure
for more information.
Sign and Drive services (USA only): Services
such as a jump start, a few gallons of fuel or
the replacement of a flat tire with the vehicle
spare wheel are obtainable at no charge.
If the indicator lamp in wrench
button : is flashing continuously and
there was no voice connection to the
Response Center established, then the
mbrace system could not initiate a
Roadside Assistance call (e.g. the relevant
cellular phone network is not available).
The message Call Failed appears in the
multifunction display.
Terminating calls: Press button ~ on
the multifunction steering wheel.
Press the respective button for ending a
telephone call on the COMAND system.
Information button
Press and hold Information button : for
longer than 2 seconds.
A call to the Response Center will be
initiated. The indicator lamp in Information
button : will flash while the call is in
progress. The message Connecting
Useful features
Controls in detail
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 311