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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.90] Operation setting for speed-torque control mode
Operation setting of the speed control mode, torque control mode or continuous
operation to torque control mode at the speed-torque control is executed.
(1) Torque initial value selection
Set the torque initial value at switching to torque control mode or to
continuous operation to torque control mode.
0: Command torque ......... Command torque value at switching. (following axis
control data)
Switching to torque control mode:
"[Cd.143] Command torque at torque control mode"
Switching to continuous operation to torque control
"[Cd.150] Target torque at continuous
operation to torque control mode"
1: Feedback torque .......... Motor torque value at switching.
(2) Speed initial value selection
Set the initial speed at switching from position control mode to speed control
mode or the initial speed at switching from position control mode or from
speed control mode to continuous operation to torque control mode.
0: Command speed ......... Speed that position command at switching is
converted into the motor speed.
1: Feedback speed .......... Motor speed received from servo amplifier at
2: Automatic selection ...... The lower speed between speed that position
command at switching is converted into the motor
speed and motor speed received from servo
amplifier at switching. (This setting is valid only
when continuous operation to torque control mode
is used. At switching from position control mode to
speed control mode, operation is the same as "0:
Command speed".)
(3) Condition selection at mode switching
Set the valid/invalid of switching conditions for switching control mode.
0: Switching conditions valid (for switching control mode)
1: Zero speed ON condition invalid (for switching control mode)
Note) The "Operation setting for speed-torque control mode" is included in detailed
parameters 2, but it will be valid at the rising edge (OFF to ON) of the PLC
READY signal [Y0].
Set normally "0". Set "1" to shift to torque control without waiting for stop of servo
motor immediately after positioning completion.