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Chapter 12 Expansion Control
Operation for switching from "Position control mode" to "Continuous
operation to torque control mode" automatically
To switch to the continuous operation to torque control mode automatically when
the conditions set in "[Cd.153] Control mode auto-shift selection" and "[Cd.154]
Control mode auto-shift parameter" are satisfied, set the control data necessary in
the continuous operation to torque control mode, "[Cd.153] Control mode auto-
shift selection" and "[Cd.154] Control mode auto-shift parameter", and then set
"30: Continuous operation to torque control mode" in "[Cd.139] Control mode
setting" and "1: Switching request" in "[Cd.138] Control mode switching request".
In this case, the current control is continued until the setting condition is satisfied
after control mode switching request, and "2: Waiting for the completion of control
mode switching condition" is set in "[Md.124] Control mode switching status".
When the set condition is satisfied, "1: Position control mode - continuous
operation to torque control mode, speed control mode - continuous operation to
torque control mode switching" is set in "[Md.124] Control mode switching status".
"0" is stored in "[Cd.138] Control mode switching request" and "[Md.124] Control
mode switching status" after completion of switching.
If "[Cd.154] Control mode auto-shift parameter" is outside the setting range, the
error "Outside control mode auto-shift switching parameter range" (error code:
551) occurs at control mode switching request, and the current processing stops.
(In the positioning control, the operation stops according to the setting of "[Pr.39]
Stop group 3 sudden stop selection". In the speed control, the mode switches to
the position control, and the operation immediately stops.)