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Chapter 7 Memory Configuration and Data Process
(8) Reading data from buffer memory/internal memory to GX Works2
( )
The following transmission processes are carried out with the [Read from module
(Read from QD77MS)] from the GX Works2.
1) The "parameters", "positioning data (No. 1 to 600)", "block start data (No.
7000 to 7004)" and "servo parameter" in the buffer memory/internal memory
area are transmitted to the GX Works2 via the PLC CPU.
The following transmission processes are carried out with the [monitor] from the
GX Works2.
2) The "monitor data" in the buffer memory area is transmitted to the GX Works2
via the PLC CPU.
(9) Writing data from GX Works2 to buffer memory/internal memory
( )
The following transmission processes are carried out with the [Write to module
(Write to QD77MS)] from the GX Works2.
1) The "parameters", "positioning data (No. 1 to 600)", "block start data (No.
7000 to 7004)" and "servo parameter" in the GX Works2 are transmitted to
the buffer memory/internal memory via the PLC CPU.
At this time, when [Flash ROM automatic write] is set with the GX Works2, the
transmission processes indicated with "(7) Flash ROM write" are carried out.