9 - 4
Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
9.1.1 Data required for major positioning control
The following table shows an outline of the "positioning data" configuration and setting
details required to carry out the "major positioning controls".
Setting item Setting details
Positioning data No. 1
[Da.1] Operation pattern
Set the method by which the continuous positioning data (Ex: positioning data No.1,
No.2, No.3) will be controlled. (Refer to Section 9.1.2.)
[Da.2] Control system Set the control system defined as a "major positioning control". (Refer to Section 9.1.)
[Da.3] Acceleration time No.
Select and set the acceleration time at control start. (Select one of the four values set
in [Pr.9], [Pr.25], [Pr.26], and [Pr.27] for the acceleration time.)
[Da.4] Deceleration time No.
Select and set the deceleration time at control stop. (Select one of the four values set
in [Pr.10], [Pr.28], [Pr.29], and [Pr.30] for the deceleration time.)
xis to be interpolated
Set an axis to be interpolated (partner axis) during the 2-axis interpolation operation
(Refer to Section 9.1.6.).
Positioning address/
movement amount
Set the target value during position control. (Refer to Section 9.1.3.)
[Da.7] Arc address Set the sub point or center point address during circular interpolation control.
[Da.8] Command speed Set the speed during the control execution.
Dwell time/JUMP
positioning data No.
The time between the command pulse output is completed to the positioning
completed signal is turned ON. Set it for absorbing the delay of the mechanical system
to the instruction, such as the delay of the servo system (deviation).
M code/Condition
data No./Number of
Set this item when carrying out sub work (clamp and drill stops, tool replacement, etc.)
corresponding to the code No. related to the positioning data execution.
Axis to be interpolated
Set an axis to be interpolated during the 2- to 4-axis interpolation operation.
(Refer to Section 9.1.6.)
xis to be interpolated
xis to be interpolated
(Note): The settings and setting requirement for the setting details of [Da.1] to [Da.10] and [Da.20] to [Da.22] differ according
to the "[Da.2] Control system". (Refer to Section 9.2 "Setting the positioning data".)
Major positioning control sub functions
Refer to Section 3.2.5 "Combination of QD77MS main functions and sub functions"
for details on "sub functions" that can be combined with the major positioning
Also refer to Chapter 13 "Control Sub Functions" for details on each sub function.
Major positioning control from GX Works2
"Major positioning control" can be executed by test function of GX Works2.
Refer to "Simple Motion Module Setting Tool Help" of GX Works2 for details on
carrying out major positioning control from the GX Works2.
600 positioning data (positioning data No. 1 to 600) items can be set per axis.